How to See Instagram Private Account Posts and Reels

How to See Instagram Private Account Posts & Reels

open source threat intelligence Let’s dive into an exciting and super useful tool, especially for checking out Instagram accounts. You might have seen many videos saying how to peek at private Instagram accounts. Often, these methods just don’t work or are totally fake. But guess what? I’ll show you a really cool tool called Instanet Exploiter v1.0 that helps you view closed Instagram accounts. Yes, you can see posts & videos easily!

Check Out Instagram Private Accounts and Posts

How See Instagram Private Account Posts & Reels
How See Instagram Private Account Posts & Reels

Have you ever wanted to keep an eye on an Instagram account? Maybe it’s private and only friends can see it. That can be quite annoying! But here’s some good news: there’s a neat tool that lets you view stories and posts from those private accounts. Before we get into that, let me mention a neat course about Hacking Tools in Kali Linux. It’s great for learning about information security!

Now, don’t expect to see posts just by looking directly at the account like some folks might think. We’ll be using other clever techniques! Viewing Instagram posts for a private account is tricky—almost impossible—unless someone finds a flaw. Usually, this happens through awesome vulnerability hunters who sometimes get paid for it. What we’re going to use in this article is something called osint cyber security & Dorking. This means we’ll use Google to dig up info that might be hidden or not visible to everyone. The Instanet Exploiter tool does just this! It searches really deep into Instagram accounts.

Download & Install the Instanet Exploiter Tool

osint cyber security Getting the Instanet Exploiter tool is pretty easy, trust me! You can run it on Linux or Windows, or even on Termux if you want! All you need to do is copy some simple installation commands and paste them into your terminal:

git clone  
cd instanet  
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt  
sudo python  

There you go! Now you're ready to start exploring!

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