Learn to hack the best Meta faccebook account

 How to hack Facebook Facebook is one of the best social networking sites on the Internet, and it is a social platform that aims to communicate with the community, get to know new friends, share videos and photos, and correspond with relatives and family via Messenger messages. Despite these wonderful features that hack Meta facebook offers you, it can Easily hack a Meta Facebook account through new and exclusive ways, as Facebook accounts have never been secure enough, as they can be hacked in minutes. But with a little knowledge, they can also become victims.

Learn to hack the best Meta faccebook account
Learn to hack the best Meta faccebook account

Learn to hack the best Meta faccebook account

It has been a long time since Arab and foreign Facebook accounts were targeted to steal user data and access their accounts. In the past months, we have witnessed news of data leakage of more than 80 million Facebook users and their accounts were hacked by withdrawing the passwords and emails associated with the servers of the Faccebook Meta company. When you go to the deep web or various hacking forums, you see endless articles and tutorials on how people can learn the methods and skills to hack Facebook.

The question is why would someone want to hack your account?

There are many reasons why people want to hack someone’s account: to get revenge for an old quarrel or for their job so they can spy on someone without them noticing, and other things that fall in between. Regardless of the reason, hacking a Facebook account is possible and everyone has their own reasons for learning to hack a Facebook account.

Hacking Facebook has become one of the most prominent topics in demand and search in Google Hacking accounts, but do not worry, we are here to simplify things for you and explain the best ways to hack Hack Meta faccebook account.

And also, we will learn besides knowing how to stay safe while you are enjoying on Facebook, and how to avoid hacking your account and not being hacked by other people, because we are vulnerable to hacking our accounts, no matter how careful we are, those who hacked Facebook accounts are also previously exposed to hacking their accounts in the past Thus, the “hack facebook” article is devoted to this article discussing the security risks of owning a Facebook account and the possibility of your account being hacked.


hack facebook here are the best hacking methods

There are many ways to hack a Facebook account in seconds, some of them are difficult and some are easy, and the matter does not depend only on the extent of your experience in the field of penetration testing, but also on the extent of the victim’s awareness and the extent of his knowledge of hacking topics, for example, there are people who have never heard of something called hacking and penetration, but rather They think that it is just an option that is found in films only and is not real, while on the other hand, there are people who know about hackers and are very conscious in protecting their Facebook accounts and not receiving any external links from strangers or talking to them.

And here comes the ways to hack Facebook. Everyone has the best way to hack his account. It is not reasonable to send a link to a fake page to a professional in the field of hacking. Rather, a social engineering attack or guesswork can be used against him on the password of his Facebook account, while the method of hacking Facebook through fake pages may succeed. For someone who is novice in the field, although this method is very easy, it deceives many Facebook users.

Question: What are the ways to hack a Facebook account?

To answer this question, there are many and many ways to hack a Facebook account and we will explain them all. There are ways that need you to deceive the victim and communicate with him directly, and there are other ways that do not need to talk to the person to be hacked, but only check his account to find any loophole that allows you to “hack Facebook” Through the personal page link” for example, or even “hack Facebook through kali linux 2022” that is, you may use certain tools to guess and you can also target the Facebook phone number directly without the need to hack the Facebook account itself, and this gives an advantage to hack other accounts, but what are the best Meta faccebook hack methods.

    hack facebook through profile link
    hack facebook by kali linux 2022
    Hack Facebook by bypassing the mobile code and hacking the phone
    Hack Facebook by guessing 300 million passwords
    hack facebook by wireshark
    hack facebook through software

 hack facebook through profile link

Among the easiest ways at all is to “hack Facebook by simply clicking on the link”, which can be implemented by a novice person who does not have any prior information in the field of penetration testing, it is a method that depends on creating a fake page that is very similar to Facebook and is designed through codes Or withdraw the source of the site code and change some of the code so that it is capable of making a penetration test attack, after designing a fake Facebook page, that page is uploaded to the hosting server host that is free or paid and can also be uploaded to Shell when penetrating a specific site that can be used for such the purpose .


After completing the personal page link, you will send the page link to the victim who wants to hack his Facebook account, hack Facebook by clicking on the link, and once he writes his account information such as email and password, the information that the victim wrote will be sent to your e-mail that you put in the page link Thus, I was able to hack the account with ease, which is the best way to “steal a Facebook account through the page link”.


hack facebook by kali linux 2022

The kali linux distribution provides you with a lot of hacking tools and a penetration test for all types of penetration, such as hacking Wi-Fi networks, hacking Tik Tok accounts, hacking devices, checking and a lot of things that you may never think of, and not only that, but you can download and install dedicated tools in various fields. There are tools that have been programmed to hack Facebook accounts, whether using guessing tools or fake pages and other great tools, and among those tools that we will talk about is the weeman tool that works on Kali Linux.

It works with the principle of creating a phishing page attack, that is, creating a fake page, which is the same way we talked about previously. The weeman tool creates a fake Facebook page automatically, and you are listening and following the page, and then you create a link dedicated to that page. All you have to do is send the link to the victim It also works on Termux hacking app.

    git clone https://github.com/samyoyo/weeman.git
    cd weeman
    python2 weeman.py

Hack Facebook by bypassing the mobile code and hacking the phone

 You can hack a Facebook account in seconds by hacking the phone directly, which is one of the best ways ever, but you need someone with experience in the field of information security and penetration testing. The hacker has access to all phone data when hacked, just as the mobile is in his hands, he can move between files, view photos, delete and install applications, and a lot of crazy things.

Among the features that can be accessed are text messages and incoming and outgoing calls, and here lies the method of hacking Facebook, where you can do the forgotten password and send the code to the phone number and when the message is sent, you can take the code, change the password and all the information of the Facebook account and hack it easily and this is the way Hack Facebook account confirmed by phone number.

Hack Facebook by guessing 300 million passwords

Hack Facebook by guessing 300 million passwords
Hack Facebook by guessing 300 million passwords

 Among the best ways to hack a Facebook account is through guesswork or what is known as a bruteforce attack, an attack that depends on guessing passwords very quickly through some free programs or scripts, and it is considered one of the best ways to hack a Facebook account, the method lies first by collecting Information about the victim whose account is to be hacked, such as the email address, phone number, or date of birth, and making multiple passwords based on that information that they collected about the victim.

And those passwords that he uses are either his full name, phone number, date of birth or nickname, for example, we have a victim named “Ali” and his date of birth in 1998. You can create many passwords for sentences, numbers and symbols of your choice, such as the crunch tool, and it can be installed on the Termux application and also the Kali Linux distribution through the sudo apt install crunch command.

It is possible to use the account password guessing tools that can hack Facebook by guessing 300 million passwords and more within a few minutes.

 git clone https://github.com/Oseid/FaceBoom.git
cd FaceBoom
python3 faceboom.py -t (your target id) -w (your password file)

hack facebook by wireshark

Wireshark is an open source program that works on Windows and Kali Linux, and the program can be used to hack a Facebook account in seconds by analyzing packets within the network. To which site and what is he typing, when a caller on the network writes the email and password, he can hack the Facebook account in seconds and it will appear directly in front of you.

Hack facebook available through programs

You can hack old and forgotten Facebook accounts, and by this we mean that Facebook was created in 2004 and many Facebook users in that period had used very old emails, which at that time were Hotmail and Yahoo, and as we know that when you create a new email and do not open it for a long period of time Over time, the email is canceled and becomes available for use again, but this email remains linked to the Facebook account, and here we are exploiting this loophole through the FBI Facebook tool, which allows us to hack and Hack Meta faccebook.

The FBI Facebook tool works on the termux application, also Kali Linux can extract all available Facebook accounts and check whether they are available for hacking and taking over them. Your friends’ Facebook accounts through this tool.

    apt update && apt upgrade
    apt install git python2
    git clone https://github.com/xHak9x/fbi.git
     cd fbi
    pip2 install -r requirements.txt

Recover a locked and hacked Facebook account

Although we have explained all the ways to hack Facebook to you, we are keen to teach you how to recover an account that has been stolen and hacked. In fact, there are many ways to recover a locked Facebook account. Your account has been locked and we have explained it in a separate article and in detail I advise you to watch it, as it contains a lot of important information and useful

Also, with regard to recovering a hacked Facebook account, there are many ways. The account can be recovered via Instagram or through a trusted device that you have previously logged into, whether a phone, computer or PlayStation, and I advise you to go to the article Recover Hacked Facebook Account
