How to track someone's location

 Did you know that it is possible to locate a particular person by making a conversation with him via chat such as Facebook or TikTok and even without sending anything to him at all, you are just what you will need some easy tools that you have available to you, and you may have wondered one day when you were chatting to your friend on Facebook Messenger or Perhaps on a specific chat such as Omegle chat, I wondered how I can find out the location of this person by determining the GPS locations without sending a link or a picture or anything!! This is what will be the content of today’s article on how to locate a person using GPS.

How to track someone's location
How to track someone’s location

How to track someone’s location

Knowing the location of a person from his phone number or determining his location through personal information is a real thing, so you can determine the location of your residence by specifying through a public ip. For the victim, as soon as you make a conversation with him via chat or messenger conversations through social networking sites, a connection is established between you and the one you are talking to by creating communication packages, and thus you can locate a person via GPS.

There are other ways that do not need any of the program to locate a person on the Internet or locate the person through his phone number. There are some sites and applications that provide you with the ability to identify anyone you talk to on the Internet or through Whatsapp by sending a link to him and when clicking on the link All device information comes to you and also determines its location through the Google Map service, that is, it is possible to determine the place of its residence. There are also many scripts that can be used for the same purpose.

Locate a person by phone number

If you think that the idea of ​​locating a person through a phone number is impossible, let me tell you that you are wrong. This technique is used by intelligence in countries and also by security authorities such as the police and criminal investigation by locating the person through a SIM card through the surrounding towers when establishing a connection point, and we talked About this topic in locating anyone through your phone Track location by phone number, which will learn how to know your location through your phone number only with very high accuracy.

How to track someone's location

Find out someone’s location using Wireshark


Wireshark tool is an open source tool that can analyze internal and external Internet packets that are carried out by the network and used in eavesdropping on networks and analyze them accurately and check passwords on the site and what users of the internal network are doing. Wireshark filter by ip can be done by selecting the Internet you want to analyze and using filters Specific helps you to analyze the network deeply and eavesdrop on all the hidden data.

How to track someone's location
How to track someone’s location

What matters to us now is how to know and locate a person via IP through just making a personal conversation through chat or even on WHATSAPP and through wireshark program by analyzing packets, you must first have any distribution for Mix and you can also use the Termux application to hack or on Windows But it is preferable to have a Kali linux distribution.

     Open Kali linux
     Make sure to update your distribution with the command sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade
     Open the terminal and type sudo tshark -Y stun -e ip.dst -Tfields
     Open the browser or a Facebook chat with your friend or a video chat you want to locate

How to track someone's location

You can choose any application or any chat page you want, such as Facebook Messenger, Instagram, Tik Tok and other social networking sites, and you can also choose chat conversations such as Omegle or any other chat, but you should know that each site has a specific filter from the wireshark filter by ip in order to be able to identify the packets correctly and you can also use the wireshark program through the graphical interface if you prefer.

How to track someone's location

As we can see, I made a chat using one of the sites, and as soon as the person agreed and received the conversation with me, I was able to extract the private IP from his device easily and very quickly without the need to send any links or use any of the program to locate anyone, and it can also be used to locate a person via Telephone number.


Find out someone’s location by GPS for free over IP


Now that we have obtained the private IP of any person whose location you wanted to locate through satellites and through Google Map to see his place of residence by specifying, we will now have to pull important information and you can use OSINT Tools to extract important personal information that may help you in hacking operations if you want and can Use tools that are present in Kali linux.

Find out someone's location by GPS for free over IP
Find out someone’s location by GPS for free over IP

You can also use the Whois feature through the following command whois taking into account the replacement of x in the person’s IP to extract important information about the IP such as the network, phone number, place of residence and the network associated with providing the Internet to a network and other important information, now all What remains for you after extracting that information and benefiting from it is to locate the person via GPS using Google Maps, just enter any of those sites such as whatismyipadres.

Find out someone's location by GPS for free over IP
Find out someone’s location by GPS for free over IP

Thus, you can locate a mobile number on the map or by using the person’s private IP and determine his place of residence with high accuracy using a very simple method and without the need to send anything to a victim, but I was also able to find out personal information about him that you can benefit from in many matters specialized in information security.


I hope that the article was useful to you and that you benefited. If you have any question or inquiry, please write a comment at the bottom of the page and I will reply to you as soon as possible to solve your problem.
